By Luckmoshy · Published:
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Marketing Campaigns vs. Advertising Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or capturing customer feedback. 

They typically aim to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combination of media, including but not limited to email, print advertising, television or radio advertising, pay-per-click, and social media.


Marketing is how a company raises awareness of its brand and convinces customers to make a purchase, while advertising is the process of creating persuasive messages around these broad goals.

In terms of campaigns, an advertising campaign might be one facet of a larger marketing campaign strategy.
Say Mamba safaris Company launched a campaign surrounding the release of the new package. Its advertising would only reflect one facet of its marketing strategy.

The brand might also leverage email newsletters, social media, and paid search to meet its goal.

Now that we understand the difference between advertising and marketing campaigns, here's a list of a few more types of marketing campaigns you might run. 

  • Product Marketing Campaign
  • Brand Development Campaign
  • Email Marketing Campaign
  • Content Marketing Campaign
  • User-Generated Content Campaign
  • Public Relations / Awareness Campaign
  • Direct Mail Campaign
  • Affiliate Marketing Campaign
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Acquisition Marketing Campaign
  • Paid Marketing / Advertising Campaign


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